Michael Baker will also be responsible for providing support for environmental permitting for this about 700-mile-long pipeline project.

“Baker is very pleased to have been selected to support the State on this critical interior pipeline,” said Bradley L. Mallory, Baker’s president and chief executive officer. “Baker has extensive Arctic pipeline engineering experience built on our 65-plus years of service in Alaska.”

Michael Baker will provide civil, geotechnical, hydraulic, process, pipeline, logistical and route engineering for the gas treatment plant, pipeline, compressor stations, route selection, access roads and material sites. Also included in this two-year contract are geospatial services and project mapping. Larkspur Associates L.L.C. will provide cost estimating for the gas treatment plant, compressor stations, plants and other facilities. Price-Gregory will provide cost estimating for the pipelines and facilities, and Northern Economics will provide economic modeling and cost of service determination.