The commission approved a route that generally follows Interstate 94 from the existing Monticello substation to a new Quarry substation west of St Cloud. Construction is expected to begin in fall 2010 and be completed by spring 2012.

The state review process began in April 2009 when the route permit application was filed with the commission. It included an Environmental Impact Statement developed by the Minnesota Office of Energy Security.

The commission granted a Certificate of Need for the projects in 2009 following a state review process. The 230kV line in north central Minnesota was granted a Certificate of Need in mid 2009.

Route permit applications are pending for the remaining projects and are expected to be ruled on in 2010 and 2011. Associated regulatory filings in neighboring states will begin in late 2010 and continue through 2011. Construction is expected to continue on the other transmission line projects through 2015.

CapX2020 is a joint initiative of 11 transmission owning utilities in Minnesota and the surrounding region to upgrade and expand the electric transmission grid.