Mission said that during the performance tests, the plant achieved its nameplate capacity and met all guaranteed performance parameters. The biodiesel produced during the performance test has been evaluated by an external laboratory and the results exceed the European EN14214 specification for biodiesel.

The company is in discussions with its turnkey contractor, KNM Process Systems, to finalize the handover of the plant to it. All approvals and licenses required to operate the plant have been secured.

An additional new process capable of producing different ‘cuts’ of biodiesel is being incorporated into Mission’s refinery operations. This is a stand-alone unit, which will serve both the company’s refineries.

Nathan Mahalingam, managing director of Mission, said: “The addition of the 250,000tpa production capacity is key to our strategy of becoming a high-volume, low-cost producer of biodiesel and best positioned to achieve profitability even where market conditions yield inconsistent refining spreads.”