Beginning in April 2010, the CRC will require organisations to report emissions data and from 2013 the organisations will be required to reduce emissions year-on-year as part of a UK-wide initiative to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2050.
John Winn, senior solutions manager of Misys Open Source, said: “The Misys Environmental Trading Platform is designed to help organisations quickly comply by providing data collection, carbon planning, and liability calculation.”
Green 2020, a UK-based environmental and energy consulting firm, has partnered with Misys on go-to-market strategy. Most recently, Misys and Green 2020 signed an agreement that will enable Green 2020 to distribute METP to the UK public sector.
Charles Kee, CEO of Green 2020, said: “Misys will provide organisations with complete management autonomy over their unique trading and compliance liabilities because their platform automates the trading process, which has most commonly been done by using paper spreadsheets.
“Organisations will discover many carbon calculators and spreadsheet-based trading tools in their search for the right technology, but none that have a dynamic trading mechanism that interfaces with their energy management systems and carbon footprint calculators, such as Green 2020’s web-based system Carbonalysis.”
The METP can also be used to trade carbon in the open markets, including the European Union – Emission Trading Scheme.
In September, Misys revealed a partnership with The Climate Registry to develop the next generation of online emissions reporting, due in early 2010, and together both companies will work to design and build the Commonwealth of Massachusetts mandatory emissions reporting programme.