The first contract will have Mitsubishi Electric installing two ozone units at the US Marine Corps’ Air Station in Cherry Point, North Carolina to treat drinking water. The units have a combined capacity of 600 pounds per day (ppd).

The city of Springfield, Missouri, has also ordered two ozone units with a combined capacity of 5,600ppd for treatment of waste water before discharge into a river. Mitsubishi Electric will supply a 150ppd system to the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department for its Possum Kingdom Fish Hatchery in north Texas.

Mitsubishi Electric claimed that its ozone systems consisting of small-diameter glass dielectrics and high ozone generating capacity per electrode, reduces power and oxygen consumption.

Bob Kim, general manager of ozone systems division at Mitsubishi Electric, said: “Ozone is a highly efficient, environmentally friendly way to treat water. Ozone disinfects, deodorizes, decolorizes and removes organic matter without chemicals. It has a far stronger oxidizing power than chlorine, and becomes harmless oxygen after the process.”