Mitsubishi Electric’s new lineup of PV modules for stand-alone systems comprises of models with outputs from 115 Watts (W) to 130W. Compared with the company’s earlier models, the new models have specifications more suitable for off-grid installation environments in the midlands of the US and remote areas in developing countries. Mitsubishi Electric will attempt to meet the diverse demands of many nations and usage patterns.

Mitsubishi Electric is planning to expand its annual production capacity to 600 megawatts in fiscal 2012 (April 1, 2011-March 31, 2012). The company has also improved its PV business by forming a new division, the Photovoltaic Systems Division, in the Living Environment & Digital Media Equipment Group as of April 1, 2009. Mitsubishi Electric will persist to promote PV systems worldwide, thus contributing not only to the prevention of global warming in developed countries, but also to enhance social infrastructure in developing countries.

Main Features

— Junction box dedicated to stand-alone PV systems makes installation simple and improves safety

The new models are equipped with a junction box dedicated to stand-alone PV systems, taking into consideration the remote installation environments that they are often utilized in. The lid does not separate from the box, and can stay open at a fixed angle, enabling easier cable installation. This junction box was first adopted in Mitsubishi Electric’s small-size PV modules announced August 27, 2008, with its patents pending. A highly flame-retardant mica sheet has been added to the inside of the junction box lid, improving safety. In the rare event of fire caused by a faulty or incorrect linking when installed, the sheet will prevent flames from spreading outside the junction box.

— Power voltage appropriate for stand-alone systems

The modules each comprises of 36 PV cells and their operating voltages are appropriate for a 12V rechargeable battery, which is most widely used in stand-alone PV systems.

— Lead-free solder reduces negative impact on the environment

These modules use solder containing zero lead (0g), reducing negative impact on the environment.