The 12-33 vertical well was drilled in early March 2010 that has found the targeted Cadotte reservoir approximately 2mt structurally higher than the highest offset wells drilled to date in the McKinley Cadotte light oil pool.

The well logs indicate that it is on the up dip northeastern edge of the McKinley Cadotte D Pool and are only 8mt east of what geological mapping suggests should be 25ft to 30ft of oil bearing clean reservoir sands.

Morumbi plans to complete the well in July at which time surface conditions will be dried out to permit access to the well site. Morumbi’s plans include upgrading the access roads for all season access to enable the company to bring in the necessary completion equipment.

It also intends to undertake a fracture stimulation of the well to access the clean sands penetrated by the original 12-33 horizontal well 8mt to the west of the 12-33 vertical well.