The transmission line is an important component of the proposed hydroelectricity dams at Mpanda Nkua and Cahora Bassa North, and the coal power stations at Moatize and Benga, located in Tete province.

The Tete to Maputo power line will have two high tension lines, of 800kV of direct current and 400kV of alternating current, which can carry up to 2650 MW and 1100 MW respectively.

The agreement for the launch of the project was signed at Maputo during the Annual Consultation Meeting between the government and its cooperation partners in the energy sector.

Mozambique Energy Minister Salvador Namburete said the final study will be released by the end of this month.

He also said in July or August they expect to launch the project, solicit the interested parties, announce the project’s final format, and decide the project’s schedule.

Finance for the construction of the power line is expected to come from the World Bank, European Development Bank, African Development Bank, the governments of Norway and France and Portuguese companies, Namburete told the Noticias.

Construction of the project is scheduled to begin in 2014 and will be complete by 2017.