It is anticipated that the first commercial project will be located in the municipality of Srakaew in eastern Thailand. The company said that this plant will be a show case facility and reference site for the utilization of the Skygas technology in future projects specifically for the disposal of various waste streams, the recovery of renewable energy and alternative fuel from residual resources.

The consortium will manifest in a special Purpose Vehicle incorporated in Thailand and will develop waste to energy projects under Thailand’s Very Small Power Producer Program.

Skygas is a electro-kinetic process that converts solid and semisolid carbonaceous wastes into a clean-burning synthesis gas that can be burned to raise steam and make electric power.

The company said that Skygas overcomes the shortcomings generally associated with incineration and thermal and plasma arc gasification methods.

Michael Luciano, CEO of MPM, said: ”We are excited to be a part of such a distinguished group of companies and look forward to projects in Thailand, the Pacific Rim and beyond. The Consortium through their experience and associations will allow us to rapidly expand into new markets.”