With this deployment, the company will test the 10m diameter contra-rotating turbine at the site in Orkney, Scotland.

In addition, Nautricity has also re-commissioned HydroBuoy mooring system, developed with £250,000 funds granted by Smart Scotland.

The mooring system employs the displacement buoyancy and hydro-dynamic lift, generated within the tidal flow, to provide the required tension on the mooring line in order to keep station. The system was tested and optimized at EMEC’s site earlier in February 2013.

Nautricity co-founder and CEO Cameron Johnstone said that following a demonstration of the technology producing affordable electricity, the company intends to build the multi-megawatt arrays at home and overseas.

"In order to be able to compete abroad in the future, it’s essential that we have a robust, indigenous market from which to launch our international business development," added Johnstone.

Following this installation, the technology services provider will work with EMEC for the next stage of their WATERS2 project that is funded by the Scottish government.