The final assays were revealed when three of the ten holes were drilled at the project, which is located in the Eureka Mining District on the Battle Mountain Trend.

Several holes also intersected anomalous arsenic greater than 30 parts per million, along with elevated antimony, barium, bismuth and thallium, which show its closeness to Carlin-style mineralisation.

The full depth extent of this zone of arsenic anomalism could not be tested as the hole was terminated at the base of the second arsenic intersection. Lack of sample return and poor ground conditions were given as the reasons for the termination. Another hole intercepted anomalous silver above 1g/t.

Another hole drilled did not intersect similar mineralisation in AR07-02; faulting has offset the known mineralisation to the south.

The 1,512m drilling programme was designed to test a near-surface gold intersection of 44m at 0.26g/t gold from 24m.

The hole was drilled by a previous partner of Renaissance Gold and several soil geochemical and geophysical anomalies defined by Navaho Gold.

Navaho can earn a 70% interest in the project as the area is the subject of a farm-in agreement with Renaissance Gold.