The court ruling is the result of a request made by the Urgenda Foundation, which comprises almost 900 Dutch citizens, to help protect citizens from climate change.

The government has currently set a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions up to 17% in 2020 which the court estimates to be below the average of 25% to 40% norm being followed by developed countries.

In its ruling, the court said: "The parties agree that the severity and scope of the climate problem make it necessary to take measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."

The court has urged the government to take the responsibility to effectively control the emission levels in the county and adapt actions to prevent the danger caused by climate change.

European Parliament Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Dutch member Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy told Bloomberg: "This historic ruling will have far-reaching consequences in the Netherlands, Europe and the rest of the world.

"The Netherlands has now the legal obligation to step up its climate efforts considerably."

According to the publication, Urgenda asked for the Dutch government for a 40% reduction in its suit, initially filed in November 2012.