Rick Wilson, Chief Executive Officer of Nevada Energy Metals, commented: "We are thrilled about adding a sixth lithium exploration project to our growing portfolio of properties. The desert basins of Nevada are virtually unexplored by deep drilling for lithium brine deposits that are similar to Clayton Valley. I am looking forward to an exciting exploration season this year and next."

The claims were located with the benefit of historical brine sampling results for lithium in the basin. Values were reported in the range of 130 to 155 ppm lithium for 4 samples (J.R. Davis, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Co.).

The northern basin is fed by geothermal brines that are meteoric waters heated by relatively deep circulation in the earth’s crust. The dominant structural controls bounding the playa are high angle, large displacement "normal" faults which provide conduits for fluid migration and dictate resource localization.

Gravity survey results indicate an asymmetrical nature of the subsurface in the central and southern portions of the basin and that there is subsurface closure of the valley as it approaches Round Mountain to the south.

Gravity data also indicates the presence of subsurface structural features associated with three of the known high temperature geothermal systems in the area. The depth of valley fill is calculated to be approximately 5,100 feet.

Big Smokey Valley is situated in central Nevada. It begins at a point 12 miles east of the town of Austin and extends approximately 100 miles in a southwesterly direction to reach a southern terminus near Clayton Valley to the west of Tonopah.

Hydrologically and topographically the valley is divided into northern and southern sections by a physiographic high near the mining community of Round Mountain. The northern section, where the claims area is located contains three geothermal resources; the Darrough, the McLeod and the Spencer hot springs.

Geologically the region is complex with a lithologic history extending from the pre-Cambrian to the Holocene. Rocks comprising the Toiyabe Range which forms the valley’s western boundary within the study area include Pre-Cambrian and Paleozoic siliceous, argillaceous and calcareous sediments and metasediments, Paleozoic lavas, Mesozoic intermediate to acidic intrusives, Tertiary lavas, tuffs and sediments.

Geothermal evaluation studies carried out in the 1980’s included geological reconnaissance, gravity surveys, aerial photography, fluid sampling and analysis, temperature probe surveys, shallow electrical resistivity measurements and temperature gradient drilling.

Quaternary to recent alluvial, fluvial, lacustrine and playa deposits form the valley floor. (Assessment of the Geothermal Resources of Carson Eagle Valleys and Big Smokey Valley, Nevada 1980).

Nevada Energy Metals has acquired a 100% interest in the property, free of royalty payments, and has agreed to pay all location and recording costs in addition to granting a 200,000 share finders fee.