Drilling within an area approximately 150 metres northeast of the high-grade Western Flank has intercepted high-grade gold in two key stratigraphic horizons, indicating the presence of a new mineralized zone that remains open to the east and west.

The new intercepts are from the Dunderberg Shale and the Secret Canyon Shale which contain most of the known gold mineralization at Kinsley Mountain and are believed to underlie a significant portion of the Project area. Pilot Gold believes the previously-discovered Western Flank zone is not an isolated occurrence and there is a high probability of ongoing discoveries at Kinsley Mountain, and that these results confirm their exploration model for the discovery of new areas of mineralization.

2015 Exploration Program

The initial 2015 field program at Kinsley is currently budgeted at US$2.0 million, including up to 10,000 metres of reverse circulation and 1,000 metres of diamond drilling. Thus far, 4,300 metres have been completed in 9 holes and one lost hole, including three that were drilled for the purpose of conducting an induced polarization geophysical survey.

The remaining program will focus on following up the new discovery and will also test a number of high-priority targets across the property. Exploration of this nature is drill-intensive and sequential; the program will be continually evaluated in light of data and interpretations from each and every drill hole.

On the basis of these results the 2015 exploration program is being modified to potentially expand and connect the new zone to the Western Flank and target the ‘high-grade’ northwest trending structures in the historical mine trend.