The project will facilitate the development of wind power projects totaling around 400MW on Evia, by enabling the power they produce to be exported directly into PPC’s national power transmission grid.

The 150kV link will interconnect the Nea Makri substation on the coast of Attika with the Polypotamos substation on Evia. Nexans will manufacture, supply and install three subsea cable circuits that will take a 21km route across the Gulf of Evia in waters reaching a maximum depth of 85mt.

Nexans is also supplying the underground power cables (27km) to provide the land connections at each end of the submarine cables together with associated accessories such as transition joints and outdoor terminations.

The submarine cables will be manufactured at Nexans’ submarine cable facility in Halden, Norway. They will feature XLPE insulation and comprise three power cores. Three cable circuits will be installed across the Gulf of Evia to provide two circuits in normal use with one spare to ensure continuity of operation. Each circuit will have a nominal capacity of 200MVA.

The cables will be buried approximately 1mt below the seabed and will be a single core design for installation in three circuits, each circuit comprising three individual cables, over a 2.75km route on the Attika side and a 330mt route on the Evia side. The project is scheduled for completion within 36 months.