At present, the manufacturer is installing its second-largest wind farm on the continent. The project comprises 44 turbines, generating a capacity of 132 MW. Moreover, the market is witnessing high and growing demand. The decisive factor in this regard is the Victorian government’s aim to boost the share of renewable energies 25% by 2020 to 40% by 2025.

The branch office will deal in particular with the commissioning and subsequent servicing of the wind turbines. "Efficient products are of key importance to a provider like Nordex. Moreover, what is mission-critical for the success of our customers is to have a strong and experienced team in place on site," says Patxi Landa, Chief Sales Officer of the Nordex Group. For this reason, the team based in Melbourne primarily comprises experts in the fields of project management and service.
So far the Nordex Group has installed or is building wind farms with a capacity of 370 MW on the fifth continent. These predominantly were turbines of the 3-MW series. Landa: "Current projects show that we are suitably meeting demand with our highly efficient and newer wind turbines with 3.9 and 4.0 to 4.5 MW capacity. In addition, the manufacturer is working on a further reduction of the cost of energy. In the process, regional suppliers are assuming an increasingly important role.
Profile of the Nordex Group
The Group has installed some 21 GW of wind energy output in over 25 markets and generated EUR 3.4 billion in revenue in 2016. The company currently has a workforce of approx. 5,000 employees. The manufacturing group has factories in Germany, Spain, Brazil, the US and India. The product programme focuses on onshore turbines of the 1.5 to 4.5-MW class, designed for market requirements in the developed and emerging market countries.