
The N131/3300 wind turbine has a hub height of 164m and the rotor length is 65.5m.

When combined, the total height of the turbine reaches just under 230m.

The hybrid tower is made of a 100m concrete tower and two tubular steel tower segments, which have earlier been used on N117 and N131 turbines up to 200m.

Type testing for the turbine was completed earlier this year. It is certified in accordance with Dibt (German Institute for Building Technology) guideline 2012 for wind zone S.

Nordex said the turbine is specifically designed for low-wind regions with wind speeds of an annual average of up to 7.5 m/s.

The N131/3300 wind systems will use air layers to generate maximum output while it will be less exposed to turbulence in hilly and forest-rich terrain.

Situated about 100km west of Frankfurt/Main, the Hausbay-Bickenbach wind farm is being developed by Kreuzberger & Spengler Regenerative Energie from Dunningen-Seedorf.

The project uses a 100m concrete tower supplied by Nordex partner Max Bögl.

Image: Nordex install tallest wind turbine in Hausbay, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Photo: Courtesy of Nordex SE.