The project area is located less than 10 km from tide water on the Melville Peninsula, approximately 140 km south of the community of Hall Beach and 210 km northeast of the community of Naujaat which is also the location of North Arrow’s Qilalugaq Diamond Project.

A total of 227 till samples were collected in August 2015 as part of a program designed to better define two unsourced kimberlite indicator mineral trains. The KIM trains were originally identified from over 500 till samples recorded in public assessment files and the new samples will complement these public data as well as the results from 60 till samples collected by North Arrow in 2013 and 2014. The Mel Project KIM trains are defined by presence of pyrope and eclogitic garnets and magnesium ilmenite and internal interpretations indicate the occurrence of multiple bedrock sources for these grains.

The 2015 till samples are currently en route to Microlithics Laboratories Inc., an independent mineral processing laboratory located in Thunder Bay, Ontario for processing. Results are expected during the winter of 2016 and will be used to help identify potential targets for follow up exploration, including drill testing.