offshore wind turbine

The three projects are located 40km north of Juist Island in German territorial waters, in an area of approximately 100km².

The three projects include 332MW Nordsee One project, which is currently in advanced development, as well as Nordsee Two and Nordsee Three, which are under early stages of development.

Nordsee Two and Nordsee Three, totaling approximately 670MW, are scheduled to be completed over the next decade as offshore wind tariffs are extended and the grid infrastructure is being developed.

Featuring 54 wind turbines, the €1.2bn Nordsee One project would generate over 1,300 gigawatt hours of electricity annually to meet the needs of 400,000 German households.

Northland Power president and chief development officer Sean Durfy said: "The Nordsee One project is well advanced and increases Northland’s offshore wind portfolio to 642 MW {net to Northland}, with further growth potential in subsequent phases."

Northland Power chief executive officer John Brace said: "Nordsee One is expected to be commercially operational by the end of 2017 and immediately thereafter should be highly accretive to free cash flow per share."

Slated for completion by the end of 2017, the Nordsee One wind farm is permitted to a fixed feed-in tariff subsidy for approximately 10 years as per the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG).

RWE Innogy chief executive officer Hans Bünting said: "Nordsee One is another good example illustrating this business model as it allows us to realize large-scale projects by bringing in strong partners."

Image: Offshore wind development is a key feature of Germany’s Energiewende program. Photo: courtesy of xedos4/