The government is expected to allocate approximately NOK3.4 billion toward’s CCS in the national budget of 2010 and this will be distributed to the projects at Mongstad and Karsto, the transport and storage project, international work, as well as research and development of CCS technologies.

Terje Riis-Johansen, minister of petroleum and energy, Norway, said: “Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time. We must therefore act now. We must increase our efforts in renewable energy, we must increase efficiency in energy usage, and we must succeed with carbon capture and storage.

“The Norwegian Government’s proposed allocation towards CCS in the 2010 national budget is the largest ever. This is to ensure success in the development of CCS technology that can be used worldwide, and which may be crucial in the fight against climate change.”

The European CO2 Technology Centre Mongstad is under construction. The Norwegian Government proposes an allocation of approximately NOK1.8 billion to cover the state’s share of investment in the technology centre.

Furthermore, NOK760m is proposed towards planning and preparation of full scale carbon capture at Mongstad.

The Norwegian Government has assigned Gassnova and Gassco the task of preparing a mapping study of a possible integration between the gas-fired power plant and the gas terminal at Karsto. The work will continue until February 2010. A budget of NOK40m has been proposed in 2010 towards integration studies.

The planned progress of the work related to transportation and storage of CO2 from Mongstad and Karsto is coordinated with the work related to the capture facilities. The government proposes an allocation of NOK500m in 2010 towards planning and preparation of solutions for transportation and storage for CO2. The allocation will also cover work which will contribute to knowledge on the Norwegian continental shelf’s potential for future storage of CO2.

The government proposes an administrative allocation for the state enterprise Gassnova of NOK91m in 2010. Gassnova manages the state’s interests in the CCS projects and administers the CLIMIT programme. Furthermore, approximately NOK180m is proposed allocated to CLIMIT in 2010, an increase of NOK30m compared to 2009.

The Norwegian Government has created an action plan regarding the international work to promote CCS as an instrument against climate change. In 2010, NOK20m is proposed allocated over the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy’s budget towards work based on the action plan.