The pipeline is proposed to extend from a new interconnection on the Gordondale Lateral to a new meter station in the Groundbirch area in northeast British Colombia. (about 37 km west-northwest of Dawson Creek). The pipeline would have the capability of transporting about 46.9 106m3 (1.66 billion cubic feet) of natural gas per day.

In total, about 7.5 km of the proposed extension would be built alongside existing pipeline, railway, and public highway rights-of-way (ROW). The remainder, or about 69.5 km, is projected to be installed along new ROW.

The proposed Groundbirch pipeline would be an extension of the TransCanada Alberta system, which is already regulated by the NEB. The system comprises about 23 700 km of pipeline and associated compression and other facilities located in Alberta. The NEB will announce procedures for dealing with this application at a later date.