Last week, while performing NRC-required inspections of CRDM nozzles, the plant workers discovered preliminary indications of cracks in some of the nozzles that penetrate the reactor vessel head. These inspections, which include bare metal visual and ultrasonic testing, are ongoing. When the testing of 69 CRDM nozzles is complete, the utility will determine the number of nozzles requiring repair.

Mark Satorius, regional administrator of NRC’s Region III office in Lisle, Ill, said: “The Special Inspection will allow us to get a clear picture of how and why the damage to CRDM nozzles occurred at Davis-Besse, as well as to make sure that the utility’s repairs to the nozzles are thorough and will ensure the safe operation of the plant.”

NRC said that there is no danger to the public from these cracks since the plant has been shut down for a scheduled refueling outage. Before the plant can resume operations, the NRC must be satisfied that the problem has been addressed. The inspection team will conduct and assess the utility’s activities including testing, flaw characterization and repairs,.

The Davis-Besse plant is located in Oak Harbor, Ohio, roughly 40 miles southeast of Toledo and is operated by FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating.