Under the agreement, NRTC will provide Sensus smart grid technologies to its members including the FlexNet advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) system, smart meters, distribution automation and demand response solutions.

The FlexNet system is a long-range radio AMI solution that is based on open standards and communicates via dedicated, primary-use, FCC-protected spectrum.

NRTC utility solutions vice president Ed Drew said that the Sensus FlexNet system is a proven, licensed wireless AMI technology and a wise investment for the future as it can support smart metering and smart grid applications like distribution automation with one network.

"Licensed wireless provides the range needed for our electric cooperative members, reaching meters at tens of miles rather than hundreds of feet as is the case for unlicensed mesh alternatives," Drew said.

The company said in response to requests from co-op members for a wireless AMI solution, NRTC evaluated various technologies before partnering with Sensus.