The plan is to integrate one or more utilities to assist NuScale in its design certification process with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and development of the reference construction & operating licensing application (R-COLA).

NuScale stated the proposed project will be designed to boost the deployment of modular, scalable nuclear technology and boost economic development in the Columbia region and throughout South Carolina.

NuHub, an initiative of EngenuitySC, will participate in NuScale’s application for an award under the Department of Energy’s (DOE) $452m cost sharing program for small modular reactor licensing technical support.

NuScale, the Savannah River Site (SRS) and Savannah River National Laboratory inked a deal last month to collaborate on the deployment of a nuclear power plant using NuScale’s technology at the site.

SRS has identified several locations on the 310 square-mile site that likely are suitable for project development.

DOE’s program is designed to accelerate the deployment of SMRs by providing cost sharing over five years for the licensing of up to two technologies, for which applications will be accepted untill May 21, with awardees to be revealed this year.