Octus CEO Chris Soderquist said the Hallmark Inn made a smart environmental, economic and aesthetic investment.

"Through Octus’s upgrade of their lighting systems, the hotel’s carbon footprint and utility bills will be reduced," Soderquist said.

The energy-saving renovation involved the replacement of inefficient lighting systems in the parking garage, common areas, conference rooms, stairwells, restaurant, bar and hotel rooms with energy-efficient lighting fixtures, including bi-level fluorescent fixtures, dimmable LEDs, LED exit signs and occupancy sensors.

As a result, annual energy use for the modernized lighting systems will be reduced by 52%, with annual demand savings of 13.6kW.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company, through its Energy Efficiency Retrofit Loan Program, provided financing for the renovation.

US-based Octus is a resource efficiency company that reduces the utility costs of commercial, multi-family and institutional buildings through the financing and implementation of energy-efficient lighting, HVAC and water management systems and products.