It will be executed from ODE’s Kingston-Upon-Thames office by a joint team of ODE and DORIS engineers, and is due for conclusion later in 2009.

The development includes up to eight subsea wells linked by two 125 kilometers 18inch production flowlines to a new gas processing plant where the gas will be treated along with a 125 kilometers methanol injection pipeline and control umbilical. The treated gas will be compressed and exported via a new 234km pipeline to a tie-in point close to Total’s decommissioned MCP01 facility and the Frigg UK pipeline (FUKA) and from there on to St Fergus in north-east Scotland. First gas is scheduled for 2013/14.

Laggan-Tormore is the oil and gas project presently under development in the UK. Along with other regional developments presently in the pipeline, Total’s Laggan-Tormore project will set up key infrastructure and provide access to hydrocarbon reserves estimated by the department of energy and climate change (DECC) to account for about 17% of the UK’s remaining oil and gas reserves.

The Laggan and Tormore gas fields are situated in 600 meters water-depth, 125 kilometers west of the Shetland Islands, and will be produced through two subsea production systems around 16 kilometers apart.

ODE Chairman and Managing Director, Peter Godfrey said ODE and DORIS Engineering are delighted to have been selected by TOTAL E&P UK LTD to participate in the Laggan-Tormore Project. This is an extremely important project in a frontier region which draws on the combined strengths of ODE and DORIS Engineering in providing engineering for subsea, deepwater field developments and associated gas treatment facilities.

In conjunction with our partner and shareholder DORIS Engineering, ODE is building upon a highly successful year in 2008 and is clearly demonstrating that it has the capacity, resources and capability to participate in high-profile projects such as Laggan-Tormore.

Loic des Deserts, chairman and managing director of DORIS Engineering, added Both ODE and DORIS have a long and successful track record of working with TOTAL E&P in the UK, Europe and other overseas markets. In forming the Laggan-Tormore JV we are bringing together a strong project management team and experienced technical resource base, which is perfectly suited to undertaking the Basic Engineering for the Laggan-Tormore Project.