This survey consists of approximately 1,900km of 2D seismic on PEL 81 and PEL 253 in South Australia and is expected to cost AUD13.5m gross ($10.8m net to Rodinia).

This Phase III seismic program is slated to begin in October 2010 and is expected to take approximately six months to complete. In this survey, Rodinia has added a small number of additional lines to its current top ten drill leads (Focus Area 1).

The company said that these lines are to be acquired early in the program so that they can be interpreted prior to the drilling campaign, to further optimize target definition and reduce exploration risk.

The Phase III seismic program also consists of new seismic in areas of previous limited seismic coverage, such as Focus Area 2 (the east end of PEL 81) and infill seismic to convert leads into drillable prospects in the sparse seismic grid on the East end of Focus Area 1 (central PEL 81).

Terrex Seismic, which successfully completed previous surveys for Rodinia in the Officer Basin, is planning to utilize a specialist Frontier Basin Seismic Crew for this survey.

Rodinia has already identified numerous prospects in the Officer Basin in Focus Area 1. However, due to the vast areas and limited existing seismic, it is necessary to augment the existing seismic coverage to further evaluate the potential of the basin on Rodinia’s lands and to high-grade additional prospects to the drill-ready stage.