The €600m modernization process aimed to increase competitiveness and has been mostly performed during two scheduled shutdowns that occurred between 2010 and 2014.

The upgrade allows the Petrobrazi plant to process all of OMV Petrom’s Romanian domestic crude production in a single refinery.

Additionally, the Petrobrazi refinery’s capacity adjustment up to 4.2mt/year ensures the efficient processing of the crude.

The modern of Petrobrazi refinery’s capacity up to 4.2 mntonnes/year ensures the efficient processing of the crude, capitalizing on OMV Petrom’s integrated company model.

OMV Petrom executive board memberNeil Anthony Morgan said: "The increase of the diesel share in Petrobrazi refinery’s production will enable a better response to the demand on the Romanian market.

"In the past, when the refinery was designed, gasoline consumption exceeded that of diesel but in recent years this trend has reversed."
With the upgrade, the Petrobrazi refinery’s diesel production capacity has increased to more than 1,500,000t against 900,000t of diesel per year in 2009.