Oncor, engaged in power distribution and transmission, has launched the Take A Load Off, Texas Solar Photovoltaic Incentive Program, to encourage expansion of solar energy in Texas, create new jobs for experienced installation experts, and make solar systems more accessible.

Oncor’s solar photovoltaic incentive program (solar PV program) offers cash incentives to qualified homeowners, businesses and governments to add solar photovoltaic power systems.

The company expects to install about 1,400 new solar systems through this $16 million, four-year program. Only homes, businesses and government buildings served by Oncor are eligible for the incentive program, said the solar company.

Oncor will pay an incentive of $2.46 per DC watt up to a maximum of $24,600 for each residential installation and up to $246,000 for all other installations. Most residential solar panel projects range from 1kW to 10kW, while business and government installations may receive incentives for projects up to 100kW.

The company’s solar PV program is one of 12 new programs it plans to offer this year to promote renewable energy and encourage energy efficiency.  With the implementation of these new programs, Oncor will administer a total of 31 programs that encourage energy efficiency, claims the company.

Oncor Electric Delivery Company is a regulated electric distribution and transmission business that uses asset management skills to provide reliable electricity delivery to consumers. It claims to operate the largest distribution and transmission system in Texas, delivering power to 3 million electric delivery points over more than 102,000 miles of distribution and 14,000 miles of transmission lines.