The new meters developed by OnStream and a trial in conjunction with two energy suppliers (npower and Scottish and Southern Energy) kicks off with 2,000 of them being rolled out to British homes this summer.

The pilot includes standalone meters for both electricity and gas. Previously, smart gas meters still relied on electricity meters to transmit their information. Now, however, they can operate independently, minimizing data issues and maximizing installations, the company said.

In addition, the new meters also feature a roaming SIM, allowing them to pick up the strongest nearby mobile network to transmit their information from any location.

OnStream said that the new mobile communications-based meters use low levels of electricity, giving it the low level of power consumption. The meters also include the ability to accommodate communication with smart appliances as they become more widely available, leading to the formation of the smart grid.

Over recent years, OnStream has participated in a range of smart meter trials, through which it recognized a gap in the market for a new communications-based smart meter and developed its own communications platform – a smart core of electronics and features to which metrology can be added.

Using this, OnStream created a new electricity smart meter and a standalone gas smart meter, with more products being developed all based on this core communications platform.

The smart metering system meets the requirements of the Energy Retailers Association and the Department of Energy and Climate Change specifications, offering two-way communication, time of use tariffs, Open HAN (home area network) and other functionality.

Others include investment in the electricity transmission networks to connect new and renewable generation, through to the company’s own target of reducing its emissions by 45% by 2020, and linking executive bonuses to meeting emissions targets.

Sharon Rodriguez, director of OnStream, said: ”Smart meters and smart grids will be a key part of Britain’s energy future. Our new meters are a major breakthrough in the technology, and a significant development towards making smart grids a reality. It offers our customers – the energy suppliers – a significant step forward in both technology and service.”