The project will give an increased capacity of about 350 houses.

Rick Norlock, MP for Northumberland-Quinte West; Lou Rinaldi, MPP for Northumberland-Quinte West; and Marc Coombs, Mayor of the Township of Cramahe, are pleased to see this important infrastructure project get underway.

The governments of Canada and Ontario have each committed up to $2,125,086 to the project. The Township of Cramahe will contribute the balance of the total eligible project cost of up to $6,375,260.

“I am pleased that the much-needed upgrades to the Colborne wastewater treatment plant are getting underway,” said MP Norlock. “This project will benefit both residents and the environment by increasing the capacity of the plant and improving wastewater treatment processes.”

“This project is another example of the provincial government acting on its commitment to improve the quality of life for those living in rural Ontario, through infrastructure investments,” said MPP Rinaldi. “Upgrading the Colborne Wastewater Treatment Plant will ensure that families who live here will have the services they need well into the future.”

“Cramahe is happy to start construction on this very important project, which is possible thanks to contributions from the federal and provincial governments,” said Mayor Coombs. “These upgrades will ensure that Cramahe is in an excellent position to be better prepared for growth ahead.”

This project is one of more than 470 moving forward in Ontario thanks to a joint federal-provincial investment of more than $1 billion under the Building Canada Fund – Communities Component. During these challenging economic times, the governments of Canada and Ontario have taken steps to get shovels in the ground and to deliver money faster for important infrastructure projects in the 2009 and 2010 construction seasons.