As per the contract, Saxlund, a part of Opcon’s renewable energy business, will provide the fuel handling system, with push floor and conveyers, in addition to a biomass combustion boiler with an integrated high pressure steam boiler, all for a system utilising waste wood as a fuel.
According to Opcon, the fuel handling and biomass combustion system will be commissioned in 2015.
Saxlund managing director Stefan Wallerma said, "This is an important order for us at Saxlund and proof that our international strategy and the integration we are working for in the Bioenergy sector is starting to bear fruit."
"We see growth in this sector in the UK and in terms of renewable energy and sustainability, waste wood is an obvious route to take and is an area in which the biofuel sector needs to further develop," Wallerm added.
Within the bioenergy sector, Opcon provides a range of services from the design of complete combined heat and power (CHP) plants to handling systems and biomass energy plants under the Saxlund brand.