The control center is designed and implemented by the Rios company, which is part of the OPDE Group, and was set up as an additional service to support operations and maintenance offered to customers by the group and does so with the aim of optimizing the management of solar parks promoted by the company. The center monitors approximately 7,000 trackers and 21,000 solar PV farm inverters that obtain some 73MW of power.

The company expects shortly to incorporate more PV solar plants to cover the 100 M, which is installed. In addition, they will be incorporated in plants not built by the group but where operation control and optimized maintenance is required.

OPDE said that the main advantage of the control center is its real-time knowledge provided at the group’s central unit of all the information related to the operation, performance, status and incidences at the solar farms. Another advantage of the center is the large amount of information provided by each of the solar farms.

Its applications include: enabling the performance ratio to be calculated as well as statistics on the availability of the farm, monthly and quarterly reports can be sent to consumers and businesses and annual surveys can be carried out on the farm’s operation and possible incidences, with the aim of studying them and introducing the suitable corrective means to minimize them.

The OPDE group, through the company Rios, will launch control centers similar to the one in Fustinana in the US and Italy to monitor the operation of the wind farms promoted in both countries. It is also studying the option of making its control centers available to other developers and PV solar power generation companies.

The control center collects information emitted by all the parks and monitors each one of the parks on different windows providing information about each one of them. This information is organized into different sections: general ( today’s energy, total energy, radiation, current power, alarms, wind speed and direction, ambient temperature), alarms, stations, trackers, webbox and meteorology.