Drilled by the Vantage Titanium Explorer drillship, the well has been drilled to a depth of 4,240m TVDSS and was targeting a number of reservoir intervals of Turnonian and Cenomanian age.

The company encountered thinner than expected sandstone sections at the well with poor reservoir characteristics.

During drilling, gas and indications of liquids were encountered however significant hydrocarbon were not encountered in the target formations.

The Cenomanian oil prone source rock presence has been confirmed with positive implications for the prospectivity of the wider Ogooué Delta outboard play and for the Deepwater play to the west of this location.

Currently, log and cuttings analysis is underway at the well.

The rig will be transferred to spud the pre-salt Okala prospect on the Mbeli Block.

The Okala-1 well drilling operations are likely to take approximately 40 days to complete.