The team will undertake the activities in concession block numbers 437, 438, 456, 457 and 458 and also partially on block numbers 416, 417 and 436, with an aim to explore, appraise and produce crude oil and natural gas in the Carpathians.

PGNiG exploration and production vice-president Zbigniew Skrzypkiewicz said: "I believe that gaining a new partner who offers both co-financing and experience in acquisition and interpretation of geological data, will open for us new perspectives in this area."

Orlen Upstream has purchased 49% stake in the eight blocks which are jointly named as the Bieszczady project.

Orlen Upstream management board president Wieslaw Prugar said: "Thanks to the cooperation with a partner we will be able to expand the exploration area, additionally gaining a broader context for the exploration works we aim to conduct in the Podkarpacie region in the following months."

Orlen Upstream said that geological target of hydrocarbons exploration includes the Carpathian flysch formation, from lower Cretaceous to Miocene, at up to 6,000m deep, in an area of over 3500km2.

The polish companies said the joint work will continue exploration operations on the targeted area.

Currently, Orlen Upstream and PGNiG are implementing works within the exploration and production Sierakow project, in Polish Lowlands, in the Miedzychód-Gorzów Wielkopolski concession and in Wronki concession.