
Under the terms of the contract, Gamesa will install 50 of G97-2.0 MW class S turbines at the Amba wind farm, located in the province of Madhya Pradesh as well as an additional 50 G97-2.0 MW turbines at the Nimbagallu wind farm, in Andhra Pradesh.

The company will also be responsible for all infrastructure required for installation of the turbines and operations for the two wind projects.

Gamesa Indian operations chairman and managing director Ramesh Kymal said: "Gamesa has astutely leveraged its experience as wind farm developer and its broad range of products tailored to the idiosyncrasies of each market to become the number-one OEM in India, one of Gamesa’s key regions."

With a tower height of 104m, the Gamesa G97-2.0 MW turbine is designed for operations in low wind speed sites, which are typical of India.

The Nimbagallu and Amba wind farms are scheduled to be commissioned in December 2016 and by February 2017, respectively.

With the deal, Gamesa’ intake has been increased in India to 896MW this year, of which about 450MW were generated in the third quarter.

In October, Gamesa was selected by independent power producer (IPP) Hero Future Energies (HFE) to supply and install 50 of G97-2.0 MW class S turbines at the Dhar wind farm, whcih is located in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.

Image: Gamesa has increased its intake in India to 896MW this year. Photo: courtesy of Rosemary Ratcliff/