Osum will produce bitumen utilizing the in-situ, steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) process beginning production in 2013.

The produced water treatment system consists of AutoFlot Induced Gas Flotation and Power Clean Oil Removal Filter technologies for the secondary deoiling process.

The de-oiled produced water will be processed using HPD evaporators to provide high-quality water to the once-through steam generators as well as treat the resulting blowdown.

The evaporator system will recover over 93% of the water from SAGD operations for re-use in the process, the company said.

The Silica Sorption process used in the evaporator package was designed to tolerate the use of this brackish water as makeup that is unfit for consumption.

Canada-based Osum is focused on the application of environmentally responsible in situ recovery technologies within Canada’s oil sands and carbonates.

Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies is a provider of technological solutions in water treatment.