The $11m program is being funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

In order to avail the rebate, consumers will have to make a prior reservation, following which consumers will have 30 days to submit the necessary documentation of purchase and installation. Rebate checks will then be mailed directly to the consumer.

The program is also expected to provide a spark to the state’s economy by creating an estimated 120 jobs through manufacturing opportunities for new equipment, and job opportunities for the contractors who will install the units.

John Hanger, secretary of Department of Environmental Protection, said: “With the home heating season ending, many Pennsylvanians may now be thinking about replacing their old, inefficient heating systems.

”The Home Heating Rebate Program offers a financial incentive to upgrade two of the largest areas of energy use in a typical household—heating and water heating. It was designed to complement conservation efforts and rebates offered by electric utilities to upgrade household appliances.”

According to PA DEP, the rebate program is one of several incentives available to consumers. A rebate can be combined with federal tax credits, a non-electric utility rebate, and/or a manufacturer’s rebate. Homeowners should also consider performing a home energy audit to see where they can conserve energy or use it more efficiently to save money.