The program is intended to identify and define zones of higher-grade material which can be the starter pits in the event that a production decision is made. These zones will be used to calculate a mineral resource for a Feasibility Study to be completed by Crossland.

In addition to rare earth mineral analysis and test work, this program will also include analysis of all potentially saleable heavy minerals, including ilmenite, rutile and zircon, which were not factored into the initial Scoping Study which was released in Australia in April 2013. Earlier test work confirmed the presence of by-product heavy minerals and suggested that they could be successfully concentrated.

The Company wishes to reiterate that the Scoping Study previously prepared by Crossland is not supported by a National Instrument 43-101 compliant technical report and should not be relied on until it has been independently verified and supported by a technical report. (Please see the Company’s press release of October 10, 2013 for further details).

Drilling will commence as soon as all regulatory approvals have been obtained. The application process for this drilling commenced in March 2013 and is expected to be completed by the Northern Territory Department of Mines and Energy shortly.

The program will consist of 200 aircore drill holes to an average depth of approximately 20 metres, and will be conducted in two stages of 100 holes each. Analytical results of drill samples from the first stage drilling are expected to be available three months after commencement.

This drilling program is designed to provide a reliable basis for the process of establishing the feasibility of the Charley Creek Resource.

The Company would also like to announce that Crossland has received the second and final tranche of funding from HK Rare Earth Sdn Bhd, as detailed in the Crossland Market Release dated 6 August 2013.