The company has recently increased the project area to 248,0000ha from an initial 105,800ha.

Regional soil samples collected within the project area returned anomalous KIM’s counts with up to 20 ilmenite from one sample. Pyrope garnet and chrome diopside grains were also recovered apart from ilmenite.

Pangolin said many ilmenite and various pyrope grains have remnants of fragile reaction rims with other ilmenite grains featuring adhering material that appears to be altered kimberlite.

Over 20 priority aeromagnetic targets were identified within Malatswae, some of which have a geographical relationship with the regional soil samples that feature the anomalous KIM’s.

Historical exploration data in the public domain has been reviewed in conjunction with Pangolin’s exploration information.

Apart from the two areas already found by Pangolin as diamond positive, a third area has been recorded by De Beers from 1984 to 1987 as positive.

De Beers reported two soil samples within 3.6km of each other as diamond positive.

Pangolin will extend soil sampling in an up wind direction until no indicators are recovered, offering a cut-off point.