Paramax and Bridge Resources have a 50% working interest each in the fields, which were discovered in 2010 and appraised by six additional wells.

The company said that negotiations are proceeding for the installation of a meter station to interconnect this new natural gas supply to the interstate transmission system, which will allow access to Idaho’s natural gas customers as well as natural gas markets in the Pacific Northwest.

The design and approval work has begun for the installation of the pipelines and the midstream facilities upstream of the meter station.

Design and planning of the pending stimulation of the four additional Hamilton wells has been done to determine well production rates and optimal pipeline size.

The stimulation program is subject to state approval of fracing parameters, which is expected in April.

In addition to the work on the Hamilton field, planning and design of the installation of the facilities and the 8.5 mile pipeline to tie-in Willow field has begun.