Partrac has been contracted to manage the supply, deployment, maintenance and delivery of metocean monitoring buoys throughout the wind farm’s construction phase.

The TRIAXYS wave buoys were selected because of their ability to measure both waves and 3D water column profile currents, meeting the requirements for reliable, robust data provision.

Real-time wave, current and sea surface temperature data is transmitted to the secure cloud-based geo portal, AXYS-APS.

The Rampion team accesses their data through the AXYS-APS website daily to inform safety critical operations, such as heavy lifts, vessel to vessel transfers, and operational planning on the Rampion construction site.

TRIAXYS Wave & Current Buoys Europe sales director Graham Howe said:"AXYS is very pleased to be supplying TRIAXYS wave and current buoys to Partrac so they can support safe operations during construction of the Rampion wind farm."

"TRIAXYS buoys are designed and purpose-built to supply real-time operational data for large scale construction projects and they have a considerable track record over the last 15 years of accurate and reliable data delivery."

The Rampion Offshore Wind project is being developed by E.ON, the UK Green Investment Bank and Canadian energy company Enbridge 13 kilometers off the Sussex coast in the UK.