The projects will produce or save 2.2 billion kilowatt hours of electricity over their lifetimes, or 110 million kilowatt hours per year. These projects will create 430 permanent green jobs, 1,068 construction jobs and help to retain 4,110 manufacturing jobs by stabilizing energy costs with on-site renewable energy systems.

Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority (PEDA) awarded $20.7 million in grants, including $10 million from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The public funding leverages another $120 million in private matching funds for a total investment of $140.7 million.

“Past investments have positioned Pennsylvania as a leader in the clean energy industry. The awarding of these grants will help continue that trend,” Governor Rendell said. “When I first revived PEDA in 2005, the goal was to provide the funding and the incentives necessary to move these types of projects forward. Now five years later, the projects we are funding will make significant impacts in the renewable energy market and the daily lives of Pennsylvanians. For example, the three biomass manufacturing projects approved today are expected to supply enough solid fuel to heat approximately 16,500 Pennsylvania homes annually.”

The 12 projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will:

Generate or save more than 1.1 billion kilowatt hours over their lifetimes or 52 million kilowatt hours each year for the next 25 years, enough to power more than 5,000 homes;

Create 185 permanent jobs;

Create 381 temporary/construction jobs;

Retain 3,776 jobs; and

Reduce carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 100 million pounds, an amount generated by 8,561 passenger cars.

In addition, state funding from the Growing Greener II initiative will support 12 projects that will:

Generate or save more than 1.1 billion kilowatt hours over their lifetime or 53 million kilowatt hours per year, enough to power more than 5,100 homes;

Create 245 permanent jobs;

Create 612 temporary/construction jobs;

Retain 334 jobs, and

Reduce carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 100 million pounds, an amount generated by 8,720 passenger cars.

An additional $800,000 is being used to fund a project in Duquesne Light Company’s electric service territory and immediately adjacent areas. This project will receive funds allocated to the Department of Environmental Protection through the settlement of a Duquesne Light electric rate case. These funds will help ratepayers located within the Duquesne Light territory cope with high energy costs and ensure they have a secure energy supply that is needed for critical operations.

“We received a record 389 PEDA applications this year, seeking more than $400 million,” said Governor Rendell. “There is greater competition for a limited amount of funding for projects that will generate new, clean renewable sources of energy. Businesses and organizations know that by undertaking these types of projects, they are making sound investments in their own futures and the future of Pennsylvania.”

Since its revival in 2005, PEDA has supplied $68.5 million in funding to 143 projects, which has generated more than $1 billion in matching funds. PEDA is just one example of funding available for energy related projects. Governor Rendell also pointed to programs like PA Sunshine Solar, Small Business Energy Efficiency, PA Conservation Works, PA Green Energy Works, Act 1 Solar Energy, Act 1 Renewable Energy Act, Act 1 High Performance Buildings, and Act 1 Alternative and Clean Energy, as possible funding sources.

“In the past, we became too dependent upon foreign oil,” said Governor Rendell. “We have changed the way we think about meeting our energy needs. But we need to keep moving forward. Our actions are making a difference. We are breaking our dependency upon foreign energy sources one gallon of oil, and one kilowatt, at a time.”