Results confirm the extension of the light oil reservoirs discovered earlier in the Farfan area within turbidite sandstones of Upper Campanian age (Calumbi formation).

Farfan 1 is located 104km from Aracaju city, some 5km from the discovery well and at a water depth of 2,476m. It struck a 51m reservoir with good porosity and permeability.

The well is now in drilling phase and a drill stem test will be carried out to assess reservoir productivity.

Petrobras said the accumulation falls within the scope of the Sergipe-Alagoas basin deepwater development plan, in accordance with its 2013-17 business and management plan.

The consortium will continue with its discovery evaluation plan, which is approved by the Brazilian Regulatory Agency, ANP.

Petrobras operates the concession BM-SEAL-1 1 with 60% interest, while the rest is held by IBV Brazil, a joint venture between wholly-owned subsidiaries of Bharat PetroResources and Videocon Industries.