Petrobras said that electronic sales were made for its refinery subsidiary’s coverage areas in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and for the mid-western and northern regions where the company is active. The company said that distributors have so far acquired 157 million liters, or 97.44%, of the volume offered in these areas, adding up to some R$300 million in negotiations.

The biodiesel that is being sold was acquired by Alberto Pasqualini Refinery (Refap) and Petrobras in the National Petroleum Agency auctions, to supply the demand foreseen for the first half of 2008.

Petrobras and Refap are selling biodiesel to all Brazilian diesel distributors via Petrobras’s Petronect subsidiary, which provides material and service marketing services to the Petrobras System companies via a single web-based electronic negotiation portal.

In order to comply with legislation, a study was carried out to optimize biodiesel distribution logistics among Brazil’s diesel fuel distributors. The study analyzed the supply of the 15 biodiesel-producing units that won the two most recent biodiesel acquisition auctions to attend to the suggested 2% biodiesel addition to diesel fuel in a transparent, isonomic manner to all public and private agents.