The well 3-BRSA-755A-RJS (3-RJS-662A) is located 2,115 meters below the water line, nearly 265 kilometers (km) of the coast of Rio de Janeiro, and 18 km northeast of discovery well 1-RJS-628 (1-BRSA-369), known as Tupi.
A thick layer (about 250 meters) of light oil-bearing carbonate reservoirs (about 28o API) was drilled and sampled via cable tests at depths beginning at 4,900 meters.
Formation tests aimed to assess the productivity of the reservoirs are scheduled to begin in the next weeks.
The consortium, formed by Petrobras (65% – operator), BG Group plc (25%) and Galp Energia SGPS SA (10%) to explore block BM-S-11, where Tupi is located, will carry on with the activities and investments contemplated in the Evaluation Plan which was approved by the ANP and which foresees the drilling of additional wells in the area.