The signing ceremony was held at Petrobras’ main office building, in Rio de Janeiro, and was attended by Petrobras’ Exploration & Production area’s executive manager for Production Engineering, Solange Guedes, and by Framo commercial director, Jon Arve Svaeren.

In addition to emphasizing the importance of the project, during the ceremony Solange Guedes thanked Framo for its efforts and commitment. “Framo’s capabilities will be very important to help Petrobras,” she said. Jon Arve, meanwhile, highlighted that this is the first time this technology will be applied in Brazil and in deep waters. “This marks a new era. We are confident this new technology will be successful.” He also complimented Petrobras’ technological character. “You are very admired for applying new technologies successfully.”

The benefits afforded by submarine multiphase pumping include increased oil production, making production feasible for wells that are distant from the production platforms, the possible elimination of production platforms, and possible improvements in the reservoir’s recovery factor (i.e. how much oil can be lifted from the reservoir).

The device is likely to be installed in the second half of 2011, in the Barracuda field, and to operate in a satellite well of platform P-48. Water depth in the region is 1,040 meters.