Under the $500m contract, Petrofac will provide services for three sulphur recovery units, two amine regeneration units, two sour water stripping units, a liquid sulphur storage unit and a sulphur solidification package unit.

The refinery and petrochemicals integrated development (RAPID) project, which is considered to be largest liquid-based green-field downstream in Malaysia, will have a 300,000 barrels per stream day refinery.

Petrofac Onshore Engineering & Construction business managing director Subramanian Sarma said: "This award represents another significant step in building our capability in the Asia Pacific region.

"Malaysia is a core country for us, Petronas a key customer, and we have a substantial physical presence in the country to support our on-going projects and future aspirations."

RAPID forms part of Petronas’s Pengerang Integrated Complex (PIC) development, which comprises the Pengerang co-generation plant, re-gasification terminal 2, an air separation unit, a raw water supply project, crude and product tanks, and central and shared utilities and facilities.

PIC refinery start-up is expected in early 2019.