Under the terms of the three-year and approximately $15m expansion project, Piedmont will construct more than 55 miles of new natural gas mains, provide services, and other facilities to approximately 500 existing structures to help increase the energy efficiency on the base.

Work is already underway on expansion of natural gas facilities that will enhance energy efficiency while reducing carbon footprint at North Carolina Base and is expected to be completed in 2016.

The new natural gas facilities will enable Camp Lejeune to decentralize and reduce inefficiencies associated with its existing centralized coal and fuel-oil fired steam system.

For substantial annual cost savings, the company will disconnect each decentralized building from the existing steam system to replace the systems with a more efficient natural gas boiler unit.

Piedmont Natural Gas sales and delivery services vice president Bill Williams said, "With the construction of the new natural gas infrastructure, the base will be more energy efficient, which should help reduce its overall energy costs, and have a smaller carbon footprint."