Drilling is planned to commence in February 2015, a nd is designed to confirm the presence of previously unrecognised ultramafic lava ("komatiite ") channels which may host nickel sulphide mineralisation in close proximity to the historical Blair Nickel Mine.
Mapping and geochemistry from December 2014 and Jan uary 2015 provided new geological information and three new gossans were identified. The gossans exhibit elevated nickel and copper, and extremely elevated platinum/palladium (PGM) val ues – up to 1.89 g/t combined PGM, strongly suggesting they have a magmatic sulphide origin.
The forthcoming program of stratigraphic drill hole s will test the resulting updated geological model for the near- Blair Mine area, which draws together elements from the recent geological mapping, geochemistry and the interpretation of high resolut ion aeromagnetic data.
The Company anticipates that results from the progr am will be released in March 2015.
Pioneer plans to drill a minimum of 50 RAB holes fo r 3,000m on traverses to pinpoint the base to the ultramafic rock sequence in areas of no outcrop, where soil geochemistry has proved ineffective. This will be followed by some 2,000m of RC drilling to test the nature of the bas al contact along the 04 and 05 surfaces, and an EM con ductor up-plunge of the Area 57 nickel shoot.
A successful program will confirm the presence of fer tile komatiite channels (elevated nickel, high magnesium, low chrome komatiite with copper and PGM anomalism), and down-hole EM surveys to test for conductive rocks which may include nickel sulphides, will follow.
The accepted Kambalda-style nickel sulphide deposit model, which applies to the Blair Nickel Mine, describes the accumulation of nickel sulphides at t he basal contact of komatiitic lava channels.
Often, as is the case throughout Kambalda, Widgiemo oltha, Forrestania and other nickel mining camps, there are multiple fertile komatiite channel s flanked by sequences of unmineralised komatiites and sediments within a reasonably close geographic area.
"During the past 15 years, we have seen companies s uch as Panoramic, Mincor, Independence and Western Areas have tremendous success in discoverin g new nickel ore bodies within clusters at their respective nickel projects. For a number of reason s the Blair Mine has never received close attention outside of the original discovery area, however rec ent work by Pioneer, since moving to outright ownership of the Blair mining lease in 2012, has hi ghlighted new areas where we believe prospectivity is high," Pioneer’s Managing Director Mr David Crook said.